Best Website Builder with AI Software


Best Website Builder with AI Software



In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way websites are created and managed. Today you can build stunning websites quickly with AI website building software!


Website Builders with AI Software are at the forefront of this digital transformation, offering a cutting-edge approach that empowers individuals and businesses to craft stunning, efficient websites without the need for advanced coding or design skills.


Below are some of the best website builders integrated with artificial intelligence (AI).


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10Web is a Website Builder with AI Software

10Web is a revolutionary platform that combines the power of artificial intelligence with a user-friendly interface, allowing you to create stunning websites effortlessly. In this article, we will delve into the features and capabilities of 10Web’s AI website builder, along with its integration with Elementor, Ecommerce Website builder, Automated hosting, and PageSpeed Booster.
10Web is a comprehensive platform for building and managing WordPress websites. It offers a wide range of features to simplify the website development and management process.

Key Features:

  • Managed WordPress Hosting: 10Web provides fast and secure hosting optimized for WordPress websites, reducing the need for technical server management.
  • Automated Website Building: You can automatically create and deploy WordPress websites, including pre-designed templates, with just a few clicks.
  • Website Speed Optimization: 10Web includes built-in tools for optimizing website performance, such as image optimization, caching, and content delivery network (CDN) integration.
  • SEO Tools: The platform offers SEO optimization features, including XML sitemaps, schema markup, and metadata customization, to help improve your site’s search engine ranking.
  • Staging Environments: Create a staging environment for testing changes and updates before making them live on your website.
  • Security Features: 10Web includes security measures like firewalls, daily backups, and security scanning to protect your website from threats and data loss.
  • Image Optimization: Automated image optimization tools ensure your website loads quickly without sacrificing image quality.
  • WordPress Plugins: Access a library of premium WordPress plugins, including photo galleries, SEO tools, and e-commerce solutions, to enhance your website’s functionality.
  • AI Website Builder: Utilize an AI-powered website builder for quick and easy site creation, which can help you save time and effort.
  • eCommerce Support: 10Web offers integration with popular e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce, making it suitable for creating online stores.
  • Backup and Restore: Schedule automated backups of your website and easily restore it to a previous state if necessary.
  • Collaboration Tools: Collaborate with team members or clients using role-based access control and collaboration features.
  • Multilingual Support: Create multilingual websites to cater to a global audience using translation and localization tools.
  • Developer-Friendly: Developers can access tools like Git integration, WP-CLI, and a staging environment for advanced development and testing.
  • Customer Support: 10Web offers customer support and a knowledge base to help users with any questions or issues.
  • Scalability: The platform can accommodate both small websites and large, high-traffic sites, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Access website analytics and reporting to monitor visitor data and gain insights into your site’s performance.
  • White-Label Solutions: Agencies and web developers can use 10Web’s white-label options to offer website management services to clients under their brand.

10Web is a feature-rich platform that can streamline the website development and management process, making it a suitable choice for a wide range of users, from beginners to experienced web developers and agencies. The availability and specifics of some features may depend on the pricing plan you choose.


The Power of AI with 10Web Web Builder


When it comes to building a website, the process can be daunting for those without a technical background. However, with 10Web’s AI website builder, you can leave the complexities behind and focus on what truly matters – creating a visually appealing and functional website. The AI-powered builder analyzes your content and suggests design templates, layouts, and color schemes that best suit your brand and industry.


Furthermore, the AI website builder has the ability to generate unique and engaging content for your website. By analyzing existing content and utilizing advanced algorithms, 10Web’s AI can create compelling copy that captures the essence of your business. This feature not only saves you time and effort but also ensures that your website stands out from the crowd.


The AI website builder provides real-time feedback and suggestions as you build your website. Whether it’s optimizing the placement of elements, improving the user experience, or enhancing the overall performance. The AI-powered suggestions help you create a website that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.


Seamless Integration with Elementor


Elementor is a popular drag-and-drop page builder for WordPress, known for its flexibility and ease of use. With 10Web’s AI website builder, you can take your Elementor experience to the next level. By seamlessly integrating with Elementor, 10Web provides additional AI-powered features that enhance your website building process.


One of the key features is the intelligent layout generator. Instead of spending hours tweaking and adjusting the layout of your website, let the AI analyze your content and generate the optimal layout for you. This not only saves time but also ensures that your website follows industry best practices in terms of user experience and design.

Additionally, the AI integration with Elementor offers advanced styling suggestions. Whether it’s the fonts, colors, or spacing, the AI analyzes your content and provides recommendations that align with your brand identity and industry standards. This allows you to create a visually cohesive website that resonates with your target audience.


Ecommerce Website Builder


In today’s digital world, having an online store is essential for businesses of all sizes. With 10Web’s Ecommerce Website builder, you can create a professional and fully functional online store without the need for any coding knowledge. The AI-powered builder provides a range of pre-built templates specifically designed for e-commerce, allowing you to showcase your products in the best possible way.


Moreover, the Ecommerce Website builder seamlessly integrates with popular payment gateways, ensuring a smooth and secure shopping experience for your customers. Whether you’re selling physical products, digital downloads, or services, 10Web’s Ecommerce Website builder has got you covered.


Furthermore, the AI-powered builder optimizes your product pages for search engines, increasing the visibility of your online store. This means that customers can easily find your products, leading to higher conversion rates and ultimately, increased sales.


Automated Hosting and PageSpeed Booster


With 10Web, you don’t need to worry about finding a reliable hosting provider or optimizing your website’s performance. 10Web automated hosting that ensures your website is always up and running, providing a seamless user experience for your visitors.


Additionally, 10Web’s PageSpeed Booster ensures that your website loads quickly, even if it contains heavy media files or complex elements. By optimizing the performance of your website, you can improve user engagement, reduce bounce rates, and ultimately, boost your search engine rankings.

Moreover, the AI-powered PageSpeed Booster analyzes your website’s performance and provides recommendations for further optimization. This allows you to fine-tune your website and deliver an exceptional user experience, even on mobile devices.




10Web’s AI website builder with Elementor integration, Ecommerce Website builder, Automated hosting, and PageSpeed Booster is a game-changer for businesses and individuals looking to create stunning websites effortlessly. With the power of artificial intelligence at your fingertips, you can focus on what matters most – delivering a memorable online experience for your visitors. Say goodbye to the complexities of website building and embrace the future of AI-powered web design with 10Web. 10Web is a wonderful option for anyone looking for a website builder with AI to help speed up the process and reliable hosting.




10Web has many different pricing models and savings on Annual subscriptions. 10Web also has Agency pricing for two or more websites.

  • AI Starter $20/month
  • AI Premium $30/month
  • AI Ultimate $45/month
  • AI Ecommerce Starter $30/month
  • AI Ecommerce Premium $75/month
  • Dedicated Hosting starting from $250/month


Site123 Website Builder with AI Software


Site123 stands out as a popular website builder due to its intuitive interface and a host of valuable features. Users can select from responsive templates, ensuring that their websites look great on various devices.


Site123 offers a free plan for those just starting, making it accessible to all. Its domain registration, SEO tools, e-commerce support, and multilingual capabilities make it versatile for a wide range of purposes. The platform includes user-friendly tools for creating forms, image and video galleries, and blogs.


Additionally, Site123 provides a robust app market for extending your site’s capabilities and offers essential security features, such as SSL, to protect your site and its visitors. With Site123, website creation becomes an uncomplicated process, allowing you to focus on your content and online presence.


Key Features:


  • User-Friendly Interface: Site123 is known for its straightforward and intuitive interface, making it accessible for users of all technical skill levels.
  • Responsive Design: It offers a wide range of responsive templates that automatically adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring your website looks good on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • Free Plan: Site123 provides a free plan with basic features, allowing you to get started without any financial commitment.
  • Domain Registration: You can register a domain directly through Site123, simplifying the process of setting up a custom domain for your website.
  • E-commerce Support: Site123 offers e-commerce features for those looking to create online stores, including inventory management, product listings, and payment processing.
  • SEO Tools: The platform provides built-in SEO tools and guides to help improve your website’s search engine ranking.
  • App Market: You can enhance your site’s functionality by integrating various third-party apps and widgets through Site123’s app market.
  • Multilingual Support: Site123 allows you to create multilingual websites, which is great for businesses targeting a global audience.
  • Blog Integration: You can easily set up a blog on your website, which is useful for content marketing and sharing updates.
  • Social Media Integration: The platform lets you link your social media profiles to your website, making it easier to connect with your audience.
  • Free Hosting: Site123 offers free website hosting as part of its service, reducing the need to find external hosting solutions.
  • Customer Support: Site123 provides customer support via email and live chat, ensuring you can get help when you need it.
  • Custom Forms: You can create custom forms for contact, surveys, and feedback, which can be valuable for gathering information from your website visitors.
  • Image and Video Galleries: Easily create image and video galleries to showcase your work or products.
  • Mobile App: Site123 offers a mobile app for managing your website on the go.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Access website analytics to track visitor data and behavior, helping you make data-driven decisions.
  • Security: Site123 includes SSL security for all plans, which is crucial for protecting your site and your visitors’ data.
  • Scalability: You can start with a basic website and expand it as your needs grow, making it suitable for both small businesses and larger enterprises.



In conclusion, Site123 offers a straightforward and accessible solution for individuals and businesses seeking to establish an online presence. Its user-friendly interface, responsive design options, and a host of features, including domain registration, SEO tools, and e-commerce support, make it a versatile choice for a wide range of users.


Whether you’re a novice in web development or a seasoned professional, Site123’s ease of use and extensive feature set can help you create a functional and visually appealing website. Its commitment to security and customer support adds to its appeal, ensuring that your website remains safe and well-supported.


Site123 is a valuable tool for anyone looking to bring their online vision to life with minimal hassle and a satisfying result.



  • Free (Limited Features & Subdomain)
  • Premium $12.80/month



Appy Pie Website Builder with AI Software


Appy Pie is the go-to platform for creating websites with amazing features. The no-code website creator from Appy Pie makes it easy to build a site in a few simple steps. There is no need to learn coding as the drag-and-drop builder lets you be as creative as you want.


Key Features:


  • No-Code Development: Appy Pie is designed for people with little to no coding experience, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
  • Multi-Platform Support: You can create apps for various platforms, including iOS, Android, and web, from a single codebase.
  • Templates and Customization: Appy Pie offers a wide range of templates to start with, and you can fully customize your app’s design, layout, and features.
  • Drag-and-Drop Interface: The platform’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface simplifies the app-building process, allowing you to add elements and features easily.
  • App Preview: You can preview your app in real-time as you make changes to see how it will look and function on different devices.
  • App Monetization: Integrate ads, e-commerce functionality, or subscription models to monetize your app.
  • Integration with Third-Party Services: Appy Pie allows integration with various third-party services and APIs to enhance your app’s functionality.
  • Push Notifications: Send push notifications to keep users engaged and informed about updates or promotions.
  • App Analytics: Track user engagement, app performance, and other key metrics through the built-in analytics feature.
  • App Publication: Publish your app directly to app stores like Apple App Store and Google Play Store or as a progressive web app (PWA).
  • User Authentication: Implement user authentication and user management features to protect user data and provide personalized experiences.
  • Geolocation Services: Utilize geolocation features to create location-based apps, such as restaurant finders or maps.
  • Real-Time Updates: Appy Pie apps can provide real-time data updates, which is useful for applications like news feeds or live scoreboards.
  • Offline Access: Some apps built with Appy Pie can function offline, providing access to content and features without an internet connection.
  • App Preview on Multiple Devices: Preview and test your app on various devices and screen sizes to ensure it looks and works well everywhere.
  • Appy Pie Connect: A separate service that enables automation and integration of apps with over 1500 other apps and services.
  • Customer Support: Appy Pie provides customer support and a knowledge base to assist users in the app-building process.
  • Affordable Pricing: Appy Pie offers pricing plans suitable for a variety of budgets, including a free plan with limited features.

Appy Pie is a versatile platform that empowers individuals and small businesses to create custom apps and websites without the need for extensive technical skills. Its no-code approach and wide range of features make it a popular choice for those looking to enter the world of app development.


Build websites such as:


  • Ecommerce: Create an online store within minutes and sell anything at any time.
  • Blog: Utilize the blog feature to expand your online presence or increase traffic to your website.
  • News Website: Create a custom news website and create content for your audience.
  • Web3 Website: Make web3 websites quickly and establish a presence in the blockchain world.
  • Social Media Websites: Create a personal social media platform like Facebook and stay connected with your loved ones.
  • NFT Marketplace: Build a NFT website and allow users to buy and sell NFTs on your platform.

Video Tutorials and No Coding Required


From small businesses to local grocery stores, Appy Pie allows anyone to build a website without coding. With video tutorials and a rich library of frequently asked questions, you can become a pro in creating sites in no time.




With Appy Pie, you can make top-notch websites for restaurants, churches, DJs, real estate, and more. Appy Pie’s website builder is designed to make it effortless to develop sites from scratch. So, turn your ideas into reality and make a website in less than 10 minutes without any coding!

Appy Pie is good for beginners who want to get their website up and running quickly. The technology can integrate with software such as:  MailChimp, Slack, Twitter and more.




Appy Pie has different packages depending on your needs.


  • Free Version
  • Start $18/month
  • Grow $36/month


Elementor Website Builder with AI Software


Elementor is a popular drag and drop web builder for WordPress. It’s not merely a website builder; it’s a gateway to a world of limitless creativity and design possibilities.


Elementor is revolutionizing the way websites are built. With its user-friendly interface and a rich assortment of features, it empowers everyone, from beginners to seasoned web designers, to craft professional and visually captivating websites without the need for coding expertise.


Whether you’re a business owner, a blogger, or a digital agency, Elementor’s drag-and-drop interface and intuitive design capabilities make it an indispensable tool in your web development arsenal.


Key Features:


  • World Class Hosting: Enjoy the benefits of built-in hosting, powered by Google and fortified with industry-leading technologies. Your website gains the security and performance it deserves.
  • Elementor AI: Generate custom code, text or images. Elementor AI is an add on to the web builder and cost extra but has wonderful features to streamline the design and development process.
  • Full Website Designs: Choose from a rich library of over 100 full website kits, all based on the versatile Hello Theme. Whether you’re exploring a Kit or starting from a blank canvas, the possibilities are endless.
  • The Magic of Web Creation: Unlock the magic of web creation with stunning animations, mobile-responsive designs, custom CSS, and more. Your website will be a masterpiece of modern design.
  • Professional Workflow: Ensure a seamless and professional web experience by managing your entire website’s design system. Control global colors and fonts, and keep your brand identity intact.
  • Leverage WordPress CMS: Elevate your WordPress website to new heights. Elementor amplifies your capabilities and reduces your reliance on additional plugins.
  • Tutorials & Courses: Access an extensive library of video tutorials and courses covering every aspect of web creation. Your path to web mastery starts here.



Elementor Web Builder and Elementor AI, have truly transformed the landscape of web design. Elementor Web Builder, with its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and extensive widget library, empowers users of all skill levels to craft stunning websites with ease. The flexibility to start from scratch or choose from a wealth of full website designs ensures that your creative vision knows no bounds.


Elementor AI, on the other hand, brings the magic of artificial intelligence to the web design process. It streamlines tasks, provides creative suggestions, and elevates the overall design quality. The AI integration is like having a skilled partner by your side, enhancing your workflow and enabling you to create visually captivating, high-performing websites.


Together, Elementor Web Builder and Elementor AI create a dynamic duo that sets a new standard for web design. Whether you’re a business owner, blogger, or designer, these tools are your key to crafting websites that not only look fantastic but also offer exceptional user experiences.




Elementor has many different pricing plans for the Website Builder and Elementor AI.


Website Builder + Hosting

  • Basic Plan $9.99/month
  • Business $19.99/month
  • Grow (3 Websites) $22.99/month
  • Scale (10 Websites) $49.99/month

Check out their website for more pricing on the standalone Website Builder and Elementor AI.

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